Plan Examination Report
This report will check the job for compliance with Govt rules for survey plans.
This report relies heavily on the config file (GeoCadastreConfig.xml or similar) to hold
the valid Parcel Line and Locality values.
Click here for more info.
Parcel Types
Each parcel type will be checked against a list of valid parcel types in the config file.
Line Types
Each Line type will be checked against a list of valid Line types in the config file.

Connections to Control
Connections to Control points less than 10m in length must be coded as 995 connections.
The job should have a minimum of two active control points connected to the parcel network.
Single Network
A check is made that all parcels are joined, no unjoined parcels are allowed.
A further check is made to see that all the parcels are joined into a single network,
and that there are no isolated 'islands' of parcels.
Sometimes in the process of joining and unjoining, parcels can 'appear' to be joined,
but in fact are not joined.
Surveyor and Company
The Surveyor/user name and company name must be present.
Check Plan Names
The plan name must conform to the Govt regulations according to the State/Territory.
e.g. In NT: LTOyyyy/nnn or Syyyy/nnn where yyyy is the four digit year and nnn is a number 1-n
which will be at least 3 digits with leading zeros (001) but can be 4 digits if necessary.
Check Lot Number
The lot name must conform to the Govt regulations according to the State/Territory.
e.g. In NT: 1234 or 1234Pt1 for part one of a multi-part lot.
Check Parcel Areas
The parcel calculated area, from the co-ords, will be compared to the stated area.
For multi part lots, the calculated area will be summed for all the parts and compared to the
stated area.
NT Parcel Areas
Easement Close Check
All Easements must close and the misclose must be within a certain tolerance.
Easement Check
Easements must use the same easement code for all lines in the Easement.
Easements cannot have any 'interruptions or other connections in the middle of the close.
Road Lines
Road lines (20-29 except 22) are only allowed within the main parcel close.
Parcel Close Check
All closed parcels must have a main close and it must be within tolerance.